BetaCity YEG

I am happy to report that Darryl and I gave a good presentation to the people at the BetaCity YEG meetup last night at Startup Edmonton. We told our Wayfinders story to an audience of mainly information technology people who are interested in civil applications.
We gave a tour of our websites up on the big screen and made a bit of a pitch for members. We were not there to recruit members, however, so much as to attract IT people who can help us further develop our websites. 
And we were able to get three people interested in talking with us afterward. We will meet with them again and see what we can work out.

In case you’re interested, BetaCity YEG is a Meetup that runs the last Wednesday evening of each regular-season month (not summers or December). You can follow them on Meetup. It is a group of citizens who are interested in developing technology applications that serve a public purpose, usually at the municipal level. Of course Wayfinders fits into this as we’re promoting local economic development.

With persistence,