WBC 1st Annual General Meeting

June 9th 2019 saw the first annual general meeting of Wayfinders Business Co-operative!

We had a quorum plus visitors for a total of 22 people at the meeting, which was held at the main boardroom of Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues, one of our members.

Pamela Funk, of Elevation Massage Therapy, told us about her personal journey to entrepreneurship, starting in Paraguay and ending up as a professional massage therapist in Edmonton. She is a Wayfinder!

Dean Heuman, President of Focus Communications, inspired us with the keys to success in marketing a small company in a very busy and distracted world. This is how we find our ways forward.

We elected two new directors to the board, William Fritzberg and Erick Estrada. William is a design thinker with experience in building online sites. Erick runs a new business, FlamingSoft, a website and programming company. They will make a valued contribution while complementing the skills, experience and wisdom of the existing directors, Darryl Heuman, Klaas Rodenburg and Randal Adcock, Chair.

In the Chair’s annual report, we also reviewed the progress we made over the past several months since incorporating in August 2017. Wayfinders has grown in membership while holding numerous events and developing several online applications. Financial statements are under review.

We also provided members who were present with membership cards. William Fritzberg led those present following the formal meeting through a useful card sort exercise to help identify member priorities.